MILE Workshop Series for Sports

Cricket, Shooting, Archery, Football, Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis and Squash.

The MILE workshop series is offered for all sports covered under the Sports MILE program. Each MILE workshop series is comprehensive and tailored to address the needs and requirements of the sport specific target audience in a progressive and easy to practice format. For example, the GOLF MILE workshop (applicable for all the sports listed above) series caters to the needs of golfers (ideally suited for ages 13yrs and above and -18 handicap and below) who would like to improve their scoring ability on the golf course.

The MILE workshop series is the entry level Long Term Player Development Program which includes 4 (Level 1 to 4) workshops spaced out over 6 to 12 months (4 weeks of practice is recommended after each workshop). Participants may choose to attend workshops in their city at their convenience. Since these workshops are designed to impart skills which are increasingly complex, it is recommended that golfers attend the workshops in the order they are designed, Level 1 to 4.

Sample Level 1 – Common problems and focus related performance related issues faced in the sport. Basics of Neuroscience, Basics of Mindfulness, Baseline Diagnostic for all aspects of the game to gauge and measure current focus parameters (which will help ascertain progress), Exercises and Drills to improve the base Mindfulness State.

Sample Level 2 – Understanding the causes of breakdown, fundamentals of Emotional and Social Intelligence (for team sports). Application of Mindfulness drills and techniques to the sport, understanding and learning the sport specific MILE Blueprint, practice the Blueprint for Pre-Shot, Shot, Post-Shot, routines across the sport. Progress Diagnostic to ascertain progress and course correction.

Sample Level 3 – Advanced Sport-specific Mindfulness drills and technique. Practice and customization of the MILE Blueprint to suit individual shot routines. Introduction to, practice and recording of sport specific Neuro Combine (mental process + physical result) routines to cater to the skill level and goals of the individual. Progress Diagnostic to ascertain progress and course correction.


cricket cricket cricket

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